Sunday, March 29, 2020

Tale As Old As Time Beauty and the Beast Essay Example

Tale As Old As Time Beauty and the Beast Essay Beauty and the Beast reflects Romanticism and Gothicism in a perfect way. Lets start with the settings of the story.You have the beautiful land and village that Belle resides in and then there is the dark, ominous castle where the Beast lives. Belle’s village is quaint and pure with light and nature. There is singing and dancing with happiness and love. The castle before the dark supernatural curse is quite magnificent and fit for royalty. The castle during the curse is scary with dark turns and gargoyles. There is sadness and despair. The beautiful architecture of the castle keeps it romantic but the gothic nature of it with the drab, stormy colors has it remaining gloomy. Belle is the persecuted maiden of the story. She is beautiful and innocent. She is full of hope. Belle has this need to give love and affection where it is normally not given. She is the object of Gaston’s desires and the Beasts need for love and goodness. She is smart and well read. Belle is gentle and kind. Gaston is the tyrant, cruel and mean. He wants to hurt others to gain objects (Belle) for his own satisfaction. His need for power over her makes her a sort of damsel in distress. Gaston also gets the townspeople, the bandits, to gather together to kill the Beast. He has help from Monsieur D’Arque, the madman, to help him blackmail Belle into marrying him by taking her father away. Gaston also has everyone in the tavern to believe that Belles father is a madman himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Tale As Old As Time Beauty and the Beast specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Tale As Old As Time Beauty and the Beast specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Tale As Old As Time Beauty and the Beast specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Beast is the monster as well as the byronic hero. The Beast is awful. He doesnt know love or kindness. He doesnt understand how Belle can be so kind to him while he looks the way he does.He is stubborn and scary and makes him frightening.Until Belle shows him how to love and how to be kind does he start to change into the prince he always should have been. He was an outcast in the village and instead of letting it continue to anger him he rose to being the byronic hero by

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Thomas Becket Essay

Thomas Becket Essay Thomas Becket Essay PFC Moses English 4 10/25/11 Thomas Becket Thomas Becket, more commonly called Thomas of London, was born about the year 1118 in London. His mother was a native of Caen. His father, who camefrom a family of small Norman landowners, had been a citizen of Rouen, but migrated to London before the birth of Thomas, and was once the Sheriff of London. He ended his life though in straitened circumstances. Thomas still received an excellent education. Becket's administrative skills, his charm, intelligence and diplomacy propelled him forward. At the age of ten he was put in a school in Surrey with the canons of Merton priory. later he spent some time in the schools of London, and finally studied theology at Paris. In 1142, a family friend broght Thomas under the notice of Archbishop Theobald to Rome. He also took him to the council of Reims (1148). It seems to have been at some time betweent these dates that he visitited Bologna and Auxerre, and began those studies in the canon law in which he earned a small d egree for. He never made himself an expert jurist. In 1151 he was sent to Rome by the archbishop with instructions to dissuade the Curia from giving approval to the coronation (crowning of a sovereign or a sovereign's consort) Stphen's eldest son Eustace. It is said the Thomas distinguished himself by the ability with which he executed his job. In 1154 he was promoted to be archdeacon of Canterbury, after first taking deacon's orders. In the following year, Henry II, at his recommendation, bestowed on him the important offic of chancellor. Now Thomas controlled the issue of royal writs and the distribution of ecclesiastical patronage, but he had personal fascination upon a prince who was inexperienced, and 13-14 years younger. He became Henry's close friend and was included in all affairs of state. It had been the hope of Theobald that Becket's influence would be exercised to support the privileges which the Church had took from Stephen, but the Chancellor agreed with the in terests of the Church to those of his new master. Under his administration the Church was severely taxed for the prosecution of Henry's foregn wars; and the chancellor became subject to the reproach "of pluging his sword into the bowles of his mother." It was Thomas who organized the Toulouse campaign of 1159; even in the field he made himself suspicious by commanding a company of knights, directing the work of destruction, and supervising the conduct of the war after the king had withdrawn his presence from the camp. When there was war with France upon the Norman border, the chancellor acted as Henry's representative; and on one occasion engage in single combat and unhorsed a French knight of very high prestige. Later it fell to his part to arrang eth terms of peace with france. He discharged the duties of an envoy with equal magnficence, with which he made the treaty of May 1160, which put an end to the war. In 1162 he was transferred to a new place of action. Henry put on him the see of canterbury, left empty by the death of Theobald. This casued some talk, since Becket, at the time when it was made, was still a simple deacon. Becket, however, disappointed all the expectations. He did not allow himself to be made the king's tool; nor did he attempt to protect the Church by humoring the king in ordinary matters. he devoted himself to ascetic practices, confined himself to the society of churchmen, and resigned the chancellorship. Now he was on the worst terms with the king before a year had gone by. they came into another conflict at the council of Woodstok on July 1163, wehn Becket successfully opposed the king's proposal that a land-tax, known as the sheriff's aid, wich formed part of that official's slary, should then forward be paid into the Exchequer. It was fortunate for Becket's reputation that Henry punished him for his change of front by a systematic persecution in the forms of law. The archbishop was then able